This is a picture of me that I did on paint.
It doesn't really look like me though.


This term we did our speeches in front of our class. My speech was about gaming. If you got picked in your class you had to do it in front of the academy and if you got picked in the academy you had to do your speech in front of the year 8 if your a year 8 and you had to do your speech in front of the year 7 if your a year 7. Accelerate came first second and third in the year 8 and they also came first second and third in the year 7.

We are also doing poetry and my favorite type is none because I don't like doing poetry. these are some of the types Couplet, Haiku, Acrostic, Alliteration, Cinquain and that's all I can think of.

The Science Fair is coming soon and in my team is me and one of my mates Tyrell. We have not decided what we are going to make yet. Its hard as trying to decide what you are going to make because when you decide what you are going to make either you or one the people in your team picks another topic or you decide not to do it. We where going to make something that crushes things but Mr Dyke asked us if our topic had a purpose and we said no so we changed our minds.
Our new hall started to get built at the beginning of term one and its is nearly complete it just needs the to get the floors put down and the seats.
Its feels like its been getting built for a very long time but its only been one term. While we didn't have our hall we have to go to assembly and sit down on the AstroTurf which is just outside our new hall and the leaders sat around the outside of all the kids. Next week we are going to open our new hall.

These are a couple of my mates
the one on the left is Tre and the one on the right is Sam

Te Puia Geyser

This is one of the geysers that we saw when we went on our trip to Te Puia and when the geysers erupt they can reach around 30m high and when one is erupting the other ones normally aren't going that high because the one that is erupting takes most of the water and this isn't the only one there are lots of other ones sort of like this one.


Hi my name is Taiwera and I am 12 years old. I go to Kaitao Middle School. I'm in room 2 in the accelerate academy. My teachers name is Mrs Vaughan. I like to go fishing, hunting, playing xbox360, Ps2 and fitness at school. My favorite foods are Mcdonalds, KFC, BK, subway, butter chicken and other stuff and I have one brother and two sisters.
My mates are Tristan, Shayden, Tre, Tyrell, Sam, Matthew, Ryan and Retia.

There are four houses and they are called Cowley which is now called Morrison their colour is Purple, Reid their colour is Green, Bosson's colour is Blue and I'm in the SOLOMON house our colour is Orange and the house leader is Mrs Donaldson. The first term was pretty cool because we went to Te Puia, the Rotorua Museum and that term went fast. During the first term the Accelerate academy went to Noho Marae but we didn't stay there, another place we went to was Te Puia and while we were there we went to see the geysers, mud pools and the Kiwis.

During the second term our main focus is our speeches and the other thing we have to do is our earth science, earthquakes and volcano studies. Earth Science was the best one for me because we got to make nice stuff like fudge, toffee, hokey pokey. We also got to do lots of experiments like make a rictor scale, putting baking soda and vinegar and watching it splat and making salt jump by using a rubber band stretch it out and then let it go and the salt will fly up in the air.